Google Lens Reverse Image Search avatar
Google Lens Reverse Image Search
Under maintenance


$15.00/month + usage

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Google Lens Reverse Image Search

Google Lens Reverse Image Search

Under maintenance

Developed by


Maintained by Community

Scrape image sources from Google Lens with image urls, including 'Exact matches' and 'About this image' tabs. It's fast and low cost(as low as 128MB memory). Output in json format including source page url, title, description, time, image resolution, site icon and title.

0.0 (0)


$15.00/month + usage


Monthly users


Runs succeeded


Response time

1.5 days

Last modified

a month ago


No results found

selvendran opened this issue
22 days ago

Hi, since yesterday its not returning any results against reverse searching the images.

newyear avatar

there's some update on google. i'm working on it



22 days ago

Please address and resolve this with the highest urgency. I strongly insist on receiving an ETA.

newyear avatar

it’s a little bit complicated. google enhanced javascript checking. i’m still looking for ways to walk around, other wise i have to use a web browser which would be much more resource consuming



18 days ago

Hi Do you have any update on this?. This is little urgent please.

newyear avatar

still working on it. the restriction is harder than i thought



16 days ago

Hi It's still under maintenance. Though we have rented this actor and could not use it and don't find any equivalent replacements. Can you please provide me with the ETA for this issue? Do you believe that this can be rectified?

[image: image.png]

Thanks and Regards

Selvendran S

+91 44 3095 3095 Ext 594 | +91-7708118689 |

TVH Beliciaa Towers, Tower 2, 5th Floor, #94, MRC Nagar, Chennai 600028

newyear avatar

sorry for the inconvenience, i’m not sure if you can ask apify to refund you. i’m still working on it but the recaptcha/javascript checking is getting stricter and stricter. i will update my progress.



12 days ago


Is there any update on this? Sorry, but it has been 10 days since we have been unable to use this functionality, and there are no alternative solutions available.

How confident are you in resolving this? If not, what would be the next course of action? Similar issues have been encountered by other providers like SERPAPI and have been successfully resolved.

Thanks and Regards

Selvendran S

+91 44 3095 3095 Ext 594 | +91-7708118689 |

TVH Beliciaa Towers, Tower 2, 5th Floor, #94, MRC Nagar, Chennai 600028



10 days ago

Hi I would like to remind you of this and check if there are any updates available. I look forward to your prompt response.

Thanks and Regards

Selvendran S

+91 44 3095 3095 Ext 594 | +91-7708118689 |

TVH Beliciaa Towers, Tower 2, 5th Floor, #94, MRC Nagar, Chennai 600028


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

3 days

