Advanced Search Tiktok API (with no-watermark video download) avatar
Advanced Search Tiktok API (with no-watermark video download)


$35.00/month + usage

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Advanced Search Tiktok API (with no-watermark video download)

Advanced Search Tiktok API (with no-watermark video download)


Developed by


Maintained by Community

Leverage the TikTok Search API to unlock a world of possibilities. Explore, discover, and analyze TikTok content with ease. Gain valuable insights and optimize your marketing efforts. Provides no-watermark download link.

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$35.00/month + usage


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Last modified

6 days ago

Advanced TikTok Search API - Powerful Video Data Scraper

The Advanced TikTok Search API Actor is a powerful tool for scraping video data from TikTok. It allows you to retrieve comprehensive information about videos matching specific keywords, filters, and sorting criteria, effectively acting as an advanced search and data extraction API for TikTok. Get video lists by search term, and filter results by region, publication date, and sorting options (relevance, likes, recency). This Actor is ideal for market research, trend analysis, competitor monitoring, and building TikTok-powered applications. Retrieve video URLs without watermarks.


  • Comprehensive Search: Search for TikTok videos using keywords and phrases.
  • Granular Filtering: Refine your search with powerful filters:
    • Region: Target specific countries using two-letter country codes (e.g., US, GB, FR).
    • Publish Time: Filter by date ranges (All Time, Yesterday, Week, Month, Three Months, Six Months).
    • Sort Type: Sort results by relevance, most liked, or most recent.
  • Flexible Output Control:
    • Limit: Control the number of videos returned (soft limit).
    • Unlimited Scraping: Optionally retrieve all matching videos, with built-in handling for TikTok's anti-scraping measures (see "Important Considerations" below).
  • Watermark and Non-Watermark Video URLs: Obtain direct video URLs with and without TikTok watermarks.
  • Extensive Video Metadata: Access a wealth of data about each video, including author information, music details, statistics (likes, comments, shares), and more.
  • JSON Output: Results are provided in a structured JSON format, easy to integrate with other applications and data processing pipelines.
  • Apify Platform Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Apify's proxy infrastructure, scheduling, and data storage features.
  • Public Data Only: Respects user privacy and only extracts publicly available information.


The Actor accepts a JSON object as input with the following parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDescriptionExampleDefault Value
keywordstringNoThe keyword or phrase to search for. Can contain spaces. Leave blank to potentially retrieve trending videos (behavior may vary)."funny cats""viral"
limitintegerYesA soft limit on the number of videos to retrieve. The Actor will stop once it reaches or exceeds this number of results.100
isUnlimitedbooleanNoIf true, attempts to scrape all matching videos. This will significantly increase run time and resource consumption.truefalse
regionstringNoThe two-letter country code to target (e.g., "US", "GB")."US""GB"
sortTypeintegerNoHow to sort the results: 0 (Relevance), 1 (Most Liked), 2 (Most Recent).10
publishTimestringNoFilter videos by their publication date: ALL_TIME, YESTERDAY, WEEK, MONTH, THREE_MONTH, SIX_MONTH."WEEK""ALL_TIME"

Input Example (JSON):

2  "keyword": "data science tutorial",
3  "limit": 50,
4  "isUnlimited": false,
5  "region": "US",
6  "sortType": 2,
7  "publishTime": "MONTH"


The Actor outputs a JSON array. Each object in the array represents a single TikTok video and contains the following fields:

(Note: I've organized the fields into logical groups for better readability, and I've added comments explaining some less obvious fields.)

Field NameTypeDescription
aweme_idstringThe unique ID of the TikTok video.
share_urlstringURL of share post.
descstringThe video's caption, including hashtags.
create_timeintegerThe video's creation timestamp (Unix epoch seconds).
regionstringThe region code where the video was uploaded.
videoobjectContains detailed information about the video itself (see nested table below).
authorobjectInformation about the video creator (see nested table below).
musicobjectInformation about the music used in the video (see nested table below).
statisticsobjectStatistics about the video (likes, comments, shares, etc. - see nested table below).
cha_listarrayAn array of objects, each representing a hashtag challenge associated with the video (see nested table below).
text_extraarrayAn array of objects providing information about hashtags and user mentions within the desc field (see nested table below).
is_adsbooleanIndicates whether the video is an advertisement.
......(Other top-level fields - add any that are not covered by the categories above.)

Nested Object: video

Field NameTypeDescription
play_addrobjectContains URLs for playing the video (see nested table below). This is likely the URL without a watermark.
play_addr_h264objectPlay address h264.
download_addrobjectContains URLs for downloading the video (see nested table below). This is likely the URL with a watermark.
coverobjectContains URLs for the video's cover image (see nested table below).
dynamic_coverobjectContains URLs for a dynamically generated cover image (see nested table below).
durationintegerThe duration of the video in milliseconds.
heightintegerThe height of the video in pixels.
widthintegerThe width of the video in pixels.
......(Other video fields - add all fields, including bit_rate, etc.)

Nested Object: video.play_addr and video.download_addr Both have same structure

Field NameTypeDescription
url_listarrayAn array of strings, each a URL to access the video. Multiple URLs may provide
uristringA URI for the video.
widthintegerThe video width.
heightintegerThe video height.
......(Other fields within play_addr - include all)

Nested Object: video.cover, video.dynamic_cover (and similar image URL objects)

Field NameTypeDescription
url_listarrayAn array of strings, each a URL to the image.
uristringA URI for the image.
widthintegerThe image width in pixels.
heightintegerThe image height in pixels.

Nested Object: author

Field NameTypeDescription
unique_idstringThe TikTok username of the video creator.
uidstringThe unique ID of the video creator.
nicknamestringThe display name of the video creator.
avatar_thumbobjectInformation about the user's avatar (see image format)
signaturestringUser bio text
......(Other author fields - add all)

Nested Object: music

Field NameTypeDescription
titlestringThe title of the music track.
authorstringThe artist/creator of the music.
play_urlobjectContains URLs for playing the music (see image/URL object structure above).
idstringThe unique ID of the music track.
durationintegerThe duration of the music track (or the portion used in the video) in seconds.
......(Other music fields - include cover_large, cover_medium, cover_thumb, etc. using image object format)

Nested Object: statistics

Field NameTypeDescription
digg_countintegerThe number of likes ("diggs") the video has.
comment_countintegerThe number of comments on the video.
share_countintegerThe number of times the video has been shared.
play_countintegerThe number of times the video has been played.
......(Other statistics fields)

Nested Object: cha_list (Hashtag Challenge)

Field NameTypeDescription
cidstringThe unique ID of the hashtag challenge.
cha_namestringThe name of the hashtag challenge.
descstringDescription for hashtag challenge
......(Other cha_list fields)

Nested Object: text_extra

Field NameTypeDescription
startintegerThe starting character index of the hashtag or mention within the video's desc field.
endintegerThe ending character index of the hashtag or mention within the video's desc field.
typeinteger1 for hashtags, other values might represent user mentions or other types of entities.
hashtag_namestringName of hashtag
......(Other text_extra fields - include user ID, etc., if present)

Output Example (JSON - Abridged):

2  {
3    "added_sound_music_info": {
4      "album": "",
5      "artists": [],
6      "audition_duration": 54,
7      "author": "VTV Giai Tri Official",
8      "author_deleted": false,
9      "author_position": null,
10      "avatar_medium": {
11        "height": 720,
12        "uri": "tos-alisg-avt-0068/e58bf19abf1c1badb25233ebb772283d",
13        "url_list": [
14          "",
15          ""
16        ],
17        "width": 720
18      },
19      "avatar_thumb": {
20        "height": 720,
21        "uri": "tos-alisg-avt-0068/e58bf19abf1c1badb25233ebb772283d",
22        "url_list": [
23          "",
24          ""
25        ],
26        "width": 720
27      },
28      "binded_challenge_id": 0,
29      "can_not_reuse": false,
30      "collect_stat": 0,
31      "commercial_right_type": 2,
32      "cover_large": {
33        "height": 720,
34        "uri": "tos-alisg-avt-0068/e58bf19abf1c1badb25233ebb772283d",
35        "url_list": [
36          "",
37          ""
38        ],
39        "width": 720
40      },
41      "cover_medium": {
42        "height": 720,
43        "uri": "tos-alisg-avt-0068/e58bf19abf1c1badb25233ebb772283d",
44        "url_list": [
45          "",
46          ""
47        ],
48        "width": 720
49      },
50      "cover_thumb": {
51        "height": 720,
52        "uri": "tos-alisg-avt-0068/e58bf19abf1c1badb25233ebb772283d",
53        "url_list": [
54          "",
55          ""
56        ],
57        "width": 720
58      },
59      "dmv_auto_show": false,
60      "duration": 54,
61      "duration_high_precision": {
62        "audition_duration_precision": 54.7,
63        "duration_precision": 54.7,
64        "shoot_duration_precision": 54.7,
65        "video_duration_precision": 54.7
66      },
67      "external_song_info": [],
68      "extra": "{\"aed_music_dur\":1,\"beats\":{},\"can_read\":true,\"can_reuse\":true,\"erase_type\":0,\"erase_uid\":0,\"from_user_id\":0,\"has_edited\":0,\"is_ugc_mapping\":false,\"is_used\":0,\"owner_id\":6812490744957256705,\"resource_status\":0,\"review_unshelve_reason\":0,\"reviewed\":0,\"schedule_search_time\":0}",
69      "id": 7229168247013182210,
70      "id_str": "7229168247013182210",
71      "is_audio_url_with_cookie": false,
72      "is_author_artist": false,
73      "is_commerce_music": true,
74      "is_matched_metadata": false,
75      "is_original": false,
76      "is_original_sound": true,
77      "is_pgc": false,
78      "is_play_music": false,
79      "is_shooting_allow": true,
80      "lyric_short_position": null,
81      "mid": "7229168247013182210",
82      "multi_bit_rate_play_info": null,
83      "mute_share": false,
84      "offline_desc": "",
85      "owner_handle": "vtvgiaitriofficial",
86      "owner_id": "6812490744957256705",
87      "owner_nickname": "VTV Giai Tri Official",
88      "play_url": {
89        "height": 720,
90        "uri": "",
91        "url_list": [
92          ""
93        ],
94        "width": 720
95      },
96      "position": null,
97      "prevent_download": false,
98      "preview_end_time": 0,
99      "preview_start_time": 0,
100      "recommend_status": 100,
101      "search_highlight": null,
102      "sec_uid": "MS4wLjABAAAAcmWx88_xRFU57rY2YUYFPBarAgam7vOnfxR-TvpyfvKtkFEAsihLpdILoRLvqYjV",
103      "shoot_duration": 54,
104      "source_platform": 24,
105      "status": 1,
106      "tag_list": null,
107      "title": "original sound - vtvgiaitriofficial",
108      "tt_to_dsp_song_infos": null,
109      "user_count": 0,
110      "video_duration": 54
111    },
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113    "anchors_extras": "",
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120      "advanced_feature_info": null,
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127          "",
128          ""
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183            ""
184          ],
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262      "signature": "Mời các bạn tải ứng dụng VTV GiảiTrí để xem trọn bộ phim hay độc quyền",
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Usage Examples

  • Market Research: A marketing team searches for videos related to "sustainable fashion" in the "US" region, published within the last "MONTH", sorted by "Most Liked", to identify trending styles and influencers.
  • Trend Analysis: A data analyst tracks the popularity of a specific hashtag over time by running the Actor weekly with the isUnlimited option and the publishTime filter set to WEEK.
  • Competitive Analysis: A company monitors its competitors' TikTok activity by searching for their brand names and retrieving their latest videos.

Important Considerations

  • Rate Limiting and Throttling: TikTok employs measures to prevent excessive scraping. Using the isUnlimited option may increase the risk of encountering rate limits or temporary blocks. Use this feature responsibly.
  • Terms of Service: Ensure your use of this Actor complies with TikTok's Terms of Service. Scraping data without permission may have legal and ethical implications.
  • Dynamic Content: TikTok's website structure and API can change, potentially affecting the Actor's functionality. Regular updates may be required.
  • Data Accuracy: The Actor relies on TikTok's search functionality and its ability to extract data accurately. The results are subject to TikTok's algorithms and data availability.


  • Compute Unit Consumption: Approximately $0.001 to retrieve 100 videos, with runtimes around 15 seconds. These values are estimates and can vary based on network conditions, TikTok's response times, and the complexity of the search.

For other TikTok data needs, explore these related APIs:

🎹️ Fast TikTok API📹️ TikTok Trend API🔍️ TikTok Search API
🧛️ TikTok User API🧛️ TikTok User Info API#️ TikTok Hashtag API
🛍️ TikTok Shop API👤️ TikTok Followers API⚡️ TikTok Scraper (pay-per-result)
💬 TikTok Comment API🎶 TikTok Music API🎶 TikTok Music Trend API
🐦 Twitter - Scraper


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

3 days

