Similarweb Fast Scraper
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Similarweb Fast Scraper
Scrape Similarweb faster and get data about website traffic, visits, global/country rank and more
What does Similarweb Fast Scraper do?
Similarweb Fast Scraper is an Apify Actor that allows you to scrape data from Similarweb faster than using the official Similarweb API. You can get data about website trafic, engagements, ranks and much more (see the Output section below)
Why scrape Similarweb?
Similarweb is a popular website with a large user base, making it a valuable source of data for various industries and use cases.
If you want more ideas on how scraping Similarweb could benefit your business or organization, check out our industry pages.
How to scrape Similarweb
It's simple to scrape Similarweb with Similarweb Fast Scraper. Just follow these steps to get your data in minutes:
- Click on Try for free.
- Enter the website URL(s) you want to scrape data from.
- Click on Start.
- Once Similarweb Fast Scraper has finished, preview or download your data from the Dataset tab.
How much will it cost to scrape Similarweb?
The price is $1 per 1000 results. Apify offers $5 free usage credits every month on the Apify Free plan. With Similarweb Fast Scraper, you can get 5000 results per month for free!
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