Sentiment Analysis Text Classification 📈 avatar

Sentiment Analysis Text Classification 📈

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Sentiment Analysis Text Classification 📈

Sentiment Analysis Text Classification 📈

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2 hours trial then $9.90/month - No credit card required now

Paste your text to receive a sentiment analysis evaluation using an AI-powered tool. 🌟 Get the sentiment score and the classification (positive, negative, neutral) for each phrase. 📊 Export the analyzed data, run the tool through an API, schedule automatic checks, or integrate with other tools🔄📈

Maintained by Community

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  • 1 monthly user

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Nov 2024

  • Modified 3 months ago

Texts to analyze


Analyze the sentiment of multiple texts and classify each as positive, negative, or neutral.

Default value of this property is ["I am so happy with this product!","This is the worst experience I've ever had.","The weather is nice today.","I feel great about this decision.","I am not sure if I made the right choice."]