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Advanced Tiktok Scraper

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Advanced Tiktok Scraper

Advanced Tiktok Scraper


🚀 Supercharge your social media insights with the most comprehensive TikTok data extraction tool available on Apify!

🚀 Powerful TikTok Data Extraction Tool

Extract valuable data from TikTok with ease using this advanced Apify Actor. Scrape videos, comments, music info, and creator details effortlessly.

Built with Apify

🌟 Features

  • 🔍 Multi-query support: keywords, hashtags, and profile/music/video URLs
  • 💬 Comment extraction with likes and replies
  • 🎵 Music information retrieval
  • 👤 Detailed creator info
  • 🌐 Country-specific proxy support
  • 🧩 Customizable data extraction

📊 Use Cases

  • Social media trend analysis
  • Influencer marketing research
  • Content strategy development
  • Competitor analysis
  • User engagement studies

🛠️ Input Configuration

queriesArrayList of search terms, hashtags (#writtenlikethis), or TikTok URLs (music/profile/video URLs) to scrape
numResultsPerQueryIntegerMaximum number of results per query
numCommentsIntegerNumber of comments to extract per video
getMusicInfoBooleanEnable music information extraction
getCreatorInfoBooleanEnable detailed creator information extraction
apifyProxyCountryStringCountry-specific proxy selection

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Sign up for Apify
  2. Open the Advanced TikTok Scraper
  3. Set your input parameters
  4. Run the Actor and collect your data

📦 Output

The Actor provides a structured JSON output containing detailed information about TikTok videos, comments, music, and creators. Here's what you can expect in the output: Each results is a Video object in the following format.

Main Video Object

  • videoUrl: Direct link to the TikTok video
  • videoDescription: Caption or description of the video
  • videoDate: Date when the video was posted
  • creatorName: Username of the video creator
  • creatorUrl: TikTok profile URL of the creator
  • numLikes: Number of likes on the video
  • numBookmarks: Number of times the video was bookmarked
  • numShares: Number of times the video was shared
  • numberOfComments: Total count of comments on the video
  • comments: Comment Resource (optional)
  • music: Music Resource (optional)
  • creator: Creator Resource (optional)

Check below for additional info on Optional Resources.

Comments Array

Each video object includes an array of comments, where each comment contains:

  • commenterName: Username of the commenter
  • commenterUrl: TikTok profile URL of the commenter
  • commentText: Content of the comment
  • commentLikeCount: Number of likes on the comment
  • commentReplyCount: Number of replies to the comment

Music Resource

If enabled in the input, each video object will include a music field with:

  • musicUrl: Link to the music used in the video
  • musicCreator: Username of the music creator
  • musicCreatorUrl: TikTok profile URL of the music creator
  • musicName: Name of the music track
  • videoCount: Number of videos using this music
  • originalVideoUrl: Link to the original video using this music
  • originalVideoTitle: Title of the original video

Creator Resource

If enabled in the input, each video object will include a creator field with:

  • url: TikTok profile URL of the creator
  • title: Username of the creator
  • subtitle: Additional title or description
  • followingCount: Number of accounts the creator is following
  • followersCount: Number of followers the creator has
  • likesCount: Total number of likes received by the creator
  • bio: Creator's biography or profile description
  • avatarUrl: URL of the creator's profile picture

Sample Output

2  {
3    "videoUrl": "",
4    "videoDescription": "#cat #cats #catsoftiktok #catlover #cattok",
5    "videoDate": "2024-07-18 00:00:00",
6    "creatorName": "hayvanstagram",
7    "creatorUrl": "",
8    "numLikes": 15400000,
9    "numBookmarks": 1400000,
10    "numShares": 2100000,
11    "numberOfComments": 49500,
12    "comments": [
13      {
14        "commenterName": "Ёжик",
15        "commenterUrl": "",
16        "commentText": "THOSE LITTLE TAIL WAGS AWWWWWWE",
17        "commentLikeCount": "153.1K",
18        "commentReplyCount": 134
19      },
20      {
21        "commenterName": "ieatsandkorns",
22        "commenterUrl": "",
23        "commentText": "LOOK AT THE LIL TAIL🥹",
24        "commentLikeCount": "267.6K",
25        "commentReplyCount": 56
26      }
27    ],
28    "music": {
29      "musicUrl": "",
30      "musicCreator": "hayvanstagram",
31      "musicCreatorUrl": "",
32      "musicName": "orijinal ses",
33      "videoCount": 1138,
34      "originalVideoUrl": "",
35      "originalVideoTitle": "#cat #cats"
36    },
37    "creator": {
38      "url": "",
39      "title": "hayvanstagram",
40      "subtitle": "hayvanstagram",
41      "followingCount": 2,
42      "followersCount": 125000,
43      "likesCount": 15600000,
44      "bio": "🐈 🐕\nsubscribe for my yt channel more than funny's animals :)",
45      "avatarUrl": ""
46    }
47  }

Note: The music and creator resources are only included in the output if enabled in the actor's input configuration. Make sure to set getMusicInfo and getCreatorInfo to true in your input to receive this additional data.

💡 Tips for Optimal Usage

  • Enable getMusicInfo and getCreatorInfo in your input configuration to receive comprehensive data about music tracks and video creators.
  • Adjust the numComments parameter to control the number of comments retrieved per video.
  • Use the extraFieldFunction to add custom fields to your output based on your specific data needs.
  • Consider using country-specific proxies (apifyProxyCountry) for more targeted data collection.

[... rest of the content remains the same ...]

🔒 Compliance and Ethics

Respect TikTok's terms of service and use the data responsibly. This tool is designed for research and analysis purposes only.

🆘 Support

For issues, feature requests, or questions, please open an issue here at Actor page, or reach me directly at here

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Built with ❤️ using Apify. Empowering developers to extract web data at scale.

Maintained by Community