Advanced Tiktok Scraper
3 days trial then $36.00/month - No credit card required now
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See alternative ActorsAdvanced Tiktok Scraper
3 days trial then $36.00/month - No credit card required now
🚀 Supercharge your social media insights with the most comprehensive TikTok data extraction tool available on Apify!
Queries like keywords, hashtags or Music/User Profile URL to get videos from.
(Default: []). Query can be a list of combination of any number of hashtags(/tags endpoint), music/video/profile links or search terms. For example: #goals,,, how to fix engine
Default value of this property is []
Number of Results per Query
(Default 20, Minimum: 1) Maximum number of results to get from EACH search query. This is the limit to get video results for EACH keywords,hashtags, and profile OR number of accounts for account search (account search category if chosen). E.g.: If you have #goals
and karate kid
as search terms with 20 results limit you can expect maxiumum of 40 results.
Default value of this property is 20
Number of Comments
Number of comments to get for each video, including number of likes, replies, commenter name and link. Tiktok may start blocking above 1000 comments.
Default value of this property is 0
Get Music Info
If you want information about the music used in the videos as well, will populate the music
field for each Video resource.
Default value of this property is false
Get Creator Info
If you want even more information about the creator of the video, will populate the creator
field for each Video resource.(Number of likes, followers and videos).
Default value of this property is false
Apify Proxy Country
You can select one of the countries to get results from. CAUTION: It will use Residential Apify Proxies
which may incur additional charges depending on your plan.
Value options:
"None": string"AF": string"AL": string"DZ": string"AD": string"AO": string"AG": string"AR": string"AM": string"AU": string"AT": string"AZ": string"BS": string"BH": string"BD": string"BB": string"BY": string"BE": string"BZ": string"BJ": string"BT": string"BO": string"BA": string"BW": string"BR": string"BN": string"BG": string"BF": string"BI": string"CV": string"KH": string"CM": string"CA": string"CF": string"TD": string"CL": string"CN": string"CO": string"KM": string"CG": string"CD": string"CR": string"HR": string"CU": string"CY": string"CZ": string"DK": string"DJ": string"DM": string"DO": string"EC": string"EG": string"SV": string"GQ": string"ER": string"EE": string"SZ": string"ET": string"FJ": string"FI": string"FR": string"GA": string"GM": string"GE": string"DE": string"GH": string"GR": string"GD": string"GT": string"GN": string"GW": string"GY": string"HT": string"HN": string"HU": string"IS": string"IN": string"ID": string"IR": string"IQ": string"IE": string"IL": string"IT": string"JM": string"JP": string"JO": string"KZ": string"KE": string"KI": string"KP": string"KR": string"KW": string"KG": string"LA": string"LV": string"LB": string"LS": string"LR": string"LY": string"LI": string"LT": string"LU": string"MG": string"MW": string"MY": string"MV": string"ML": string"MT": string"MH": string"MR": string"MU": string"MX": string"FM": string"MD": string"MC": string"MN": string"ME": string"MA": string"MZ": string"MM": string"NA": string"NR": string"NP": string"NL": string"NZ": string"NI": string"NE": string"NG": string"MK": string"NO": string"OM": string"PK": string"PW": string"PS": string"PA": string"PG": string"PY": string"PE": string"PH": string"PL": string"PT": string"QA": string"RO": string"RU": string"RW": string"KN": string"LC": string"VC": string"WS": string"SM": string"ST": string"SA": string"SN": string"RS": string"SC": string"SL": string"SG": string"SK": string"SI": string"SB": string"SO": string"ZA": string"SS": string"ES": string"LK": string"SD": string"SR": string"SE": string"CH": string"SY": string"TW": string"TJ": string"TZ": string"TH": string"TL": string"TG": string"TO": string"TT": string"TN": string"TR": string"TM": string"TV": string"UG": string"UA": string"AE": string"GB": string"US": string"UY": string"UZ": string"VU": string"VE": string"VN": string"YE": string"ZM": string"ZW": string
Default value of this property is "None"
- 9 monthly users
- 1 star
- 70.0% runs succeeded
- Created in Jul 2024
- Modified 27 days ago