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YouTube Scraper

YouTube Scraper

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YouTube crawler and video scraper. Alternative YouTube API with no limits or quotas. Extract and download channel name, likes, number of views, and number of subscribers.

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Failed to get channelUsername and channelUrl for shorts videos


entire_sleep opened this issue
4 days ago

When I tried to crawl some videos and the channel information, the actor only crawled the channel urls of videos type of VIDEO but not SHORTS. And some channelUsername of shorts videos were lost, e.g.

svpetrenko avatar

Hi, thanks for reporting, I've created an internal ticket and we will be fixing this. I'll let you know when it's done here

svpetrenko avatar

Hi! We've returned channelId, challenUrl and channelUsername for all videos (here is an example run Let me know if it doesn't work as expected or anything else breaks!

Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 1.7k monthly users

  • 241 stars

  • 88% runs succeeded

  • 1.3 days response time

  • Created in Jul 2023

  • Modified 2 days ago