Similarweb Scraper
Pay $8.00 for 1,000 Results

Similarweb Scraper
Pay $8.00 for 1,000 Results
A simple but powerful scraper for similarweb.com. Retrieve website popularity information and get it in a JSON/XML/CSV/Excel/HTML table format. Get data such as total visits, traffic sources, competitors, top countries, company info, etc..
Most of the requests fail
It seems like the crawler just stars to fail for every query after some time. I'm not sure if this is about rate limits, but it basically means we have to run the crawler up to 30 times to get all results. This is super annoying, also as it is not completely consistent from the output files which entries succeeded. Any support/fixing would be highly appreciated :)

Hello! We fixed this issue a couple of weeks ago, but for some reason you are using the beta build - please switch to latest build in the Run option in the input and test it. Let me know if you would still encounter problems. Have a nice day!