Similarweb Scraper
Pay $8.00 for 1,000 Results

Similarweb Scraper
Pay $8.00 for 1,000 Results
A simple but powerful scraper for similarweb.com. Retrieve website popularity information and get it in a JSON/XML/CSV/Excel/HTML table format. Get data such as total visits, traffic sources, competitors, top countries, company info, etc..
Wrong number of results and wrong costs
Hello, in our latest run we had roughly 10X the costs. Also, it says we would have 4090 results, but looking at the actual exported results I only see 1561. So, most failed, and we have crazy high costs.

Hello, thank you for reaching out, I can see that you have received 4,090 results in the JSON. Can you explain further what you mean by failed? The actor has changed in price since the 14th of February, where you only pay for successful results. Its 8$ per 1000 results. This was communicated 2 weeks in advance.
Hello, and thanks for the very fast reply! You are right about the pricing, and it makes sense if you consider the 4k results. Interestingly enough, in the file automatically exported to Google Sheets, you only see 1.5k results. However, if I do download the results now, I do see all the results. I attached the original file from the run. Could there be an issue that the integration to Google Sheets exports the data before everything has been processed?

Let me check in with the development team and i will let you know

Hi we have raised this with out platform team, as we believe its a platform bug. Please open another issue happens again