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Contact Details Scraper

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Contact Details Scraper

Contact Details Scraper

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This Actor is paid per event

Free email extractor and lead scraper to extract and download emails, phone numbers, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram profiles from any website. Extract contact information at scale from lists of URLs and download the data as Excel, CSV, JSON, HTML, and XML.



  • Added support for new social links:
  • Added extraction of contact details from HTML scripts with JSON data

2024-06-25 (0.2.45)


  • Added new input field waitUntil to tell the actor when it should consider a page to be loaded:
    • when the HTML is loaded
    • when the HTML is loaded and JS is executed
    • when the HTML is loaded and JS is finished executing
    • when there is no network activity for at least half a second

2023-02-12 (0.2.42)


  • originalStartUrl in the output items now respects the original protocol

2023-01-19 (0.2.41)


  • Fixed the bug when the actor would get stuck on some inputs indefinitely fully, so that it doesn't rely on retrying.

2023-01-18 (0.2.39)


  • Automatically recover actor run from a rare case when it got stuck on 1 concurrency but without doing anything.

2023-01-10 (0.2.38)


  • Remove example emails. Names containing example, user, name and domains containing example and domain.

2023-01-10 (0.2.37)


  • Preferably process pages with the highest likelihood of having contacts, e.g. /contact, /about, /press etc.

2023-12-29 (0.2.35)


  • Fix the scraper getting stuck/frozen in certain rare edge case pages. If you see this behavior again, please report that to the Issues tab.

2023-10-03 (0.2.35)


  • Fixed a rare case where some images fit the regex pattern for an email, where being scraped as emails

2023-09-21 (0.2.34)


  • Fixed very rare case where a specific page would get the scraper stuck forever. If you see this behavior again, please report that to the Issues tab.

2023-09-06 (0.2.32)


  • Fixed that sometimes the out-of-memory handling created extra webhook that made the run unkillable
  • Fixed rare crash when trying to close page dialog modal

2023-08-25 (0.2.30)


  • Fixed bug where the actor sometimes crashed with Requesting main frame too early error when considerChildFrames input was enabled.

2023-07-19 (0.2.25)


  • Resolved most out-of-memory issues. Added 'Actor Fail Manager' actor that is run on every fail of Contact Details Scraper and resurrects it if it fails with an out-of-memory error. It usually happens only once a while. It if happens too frequently, it means there is a problematic website and the run will not be resurrected (if it fails more often than once every 3 minutes).

2023-07-18 (0.2.24)


  • Removed extracting emails from raw HTML (last change) because it had a bad performance on some rare websites

2023-07-13 (0.2.22)


  • Extract emails also from raw HTML which sometimes contains hidden emails in comments or JSON
Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 1.6k monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 6 days response time

  • Created in May 2019

  • Modified 14 days ago
