Booking Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results

Booking Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results
Scrape Booking with this hotels scraper and get data about accommodation on Booking.com. You can crawl by keywords or URLs for hotel prices, ratings, addresses, number of reviews, stars. You can also download all that room and hotel data from Booking.com with a few clicks: CSV, JSON, HTML, and Excel
Empty fields
I have noticed the fields "checkIn", "checkOut", "rooms" and "facilities" are returning null values. I have seen that there are some issues from some weeks ago about "facilities", and "checkIn" and "checkOut", so I would just like to get some information about when they are expected to be back each of them, since we are about to scrape about a few thousands of Booking URLs and would like to get all information as possible.
Thank you!

Hi, thanks for opening this issue!
I will have a look at these failing fields probably next week :)
I will keep you updated here, thanks!

Hi again, I'm happy to inform you that we've just updated the scraper with fixes to all the failing output fields - checkIn
, checkOut
and facilities
Try it out now and let me know how it works, thanks and happy scraping!
Thank you!