Booking Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results

Booking Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results
Scrape Booking with this hotels scraper and get data about accommodation on Booking.com. You can crawl by keywords or URLs for hotel prices, ratings, addresses, number of reviews, stars. You can also download all that room and hotel data from Booking.com with a few clicks: CSV, JSON, HTML, and Excel
Results from List is not complete and doesn´t match with selecttion
Initial situation: I used the Booking Scraper and selected according to the type of accommodation. I preselected Rhineland-Palatinate: The results list either has many more entries than are actually available in Booking or fewer. Examples: Holiday apartments: There are currently 5,351 listed in Booking. However, the results list only shows 2,598. For guest houses, 2,276 are shown in the scraping list, but there are actually only 479 in Booking. I have evaluated all types of accommodation and all lists are incorrect. Before I spend any more money, I would like a solution to the problem.

Hi, thanks for opening this issue!
This is pretty unintuitive and kept in the scraper to prevent any breaking changes. Simply set the Property type filter in the scraper input, not the input URL. To fully explain - anything from the Apply filters to your search input section has to be set in the scraper input.
I hope this helps, thanks and happy scraping!
Hi, i tried a new selection. See Log-List! I used the filter: appartments. The result list is not complete. What ist the mistake? Can you help me, pls.
Log-List: 2024-11-06T08:32:33.703Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build vIWrv2eH7mYcoDYRU from repository. 2024-11-06T08:32:35.609Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container. 2024-11-06T08:32:35.799Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container. 2024-11-06T08:32:37.700Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"3.2.4","apifyClientVersion":"2.9.4","crawleeVersion":"3.11.1","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v18.20.4"} 2024-11-06T08:32:37.782Z WARN [Status message]: Start URLs were provided. Will not use provided search input: Rhineland-Palatinate. 2024-11-06T08:32:37.832Z WARN [Status message]: You aren't providing both check-in and checkout dates, some information will be missing from the output 2024-11-06T08:32:37.901Z WARN [Status message]: Overcoming the Booking's 1100 results limit without specifying check-in and check-out dates may lead to less results than expected. 2024-11-06T08:32:38.355Z INFO Starting the crawl. 2024-11-06T08:32:38.498Z INFO CustomRequestsCheerioCrawler: Starting the crawler. 2024-11-06T08:32:40.327Z INFO Rheinland-Pfalz: 5257 properties found {"offset":0,"resultsCount":5257,"filters":{"class":null,"ht_id":201,"review_score":null,"price":"EUR-0-999999-1"},"destination":{"id":710,"type":"REGION","name":"Rheinland-Pfalz"}} 2024-11-06T08:32:40.329Z INFO Overcoming 1100 results limit: enqueuing 25 new filters for C... [trimmed]

Right I see. Booking has a hard limit of 1100
results per search query (1000
on the webpage, but we are able to get more). Without providing check-in and check-out dates, the scraper can only get a bit more results than is the limit. If you want to scrape above the 1000 results limit consistently, then you will have to make sure manually to select less than that with different filters.
WARN [Status message]: Overcoming the Booking's 1100 results limit without specifying check-in and check-out dates may lead to less results than expected.
I hope this helps, thanks!