Booking Scraper
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Booking Scraper
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Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results
Scrape Booking with this hotels scraper and get data about accommodation on Booking.com. You can crawl by keywords or URLs for hotel prices, ratings, addresses, number of reviews, stars. You can also download all that room and hotel data from Booking.com with a few clicks: CSV, JSON, HTML, and Excel
The crawler is not workng as expected.
tasty_providence opened this issue
3 months ago
The Crawler is not working, it's super important for us as we collect this data for our business analysis. Can someone take a look at ASAP.

3 months ago
Hi, I'm closing this as a duplicate of https://console.apify.com/actors/oeiQgfg5fsmIJB7Cn/issues/1f2ISHGYlbeUIcqt4