LinkedIn Company URL - Mass Profile Finder avatar

LinkedIn Company URL - Mass Profile Finder

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LinkedIn Company URL - Mass Profile Finder

LinkedIn Company URL - Mass Profile Finder

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3 days trial then $40.00/month - No credit card required now

Say goodbye to endless scrolling! LinkedIn Company URL Finder revolutionizes your search for LinkedIn company pages. No more manual hunting through lists of names – simply input your company list and voila! Instant access to their LinkedIn URLs. Don't waste time, automate your search today!

💡 Why use LinkedIn Company URL Finder?

Having a list of LinkedIn pages for companies can serve many purposes.

Here are our favorite 3:

  1. You are job hunting and you want all the URLs of the companies you would like to work for at your fingertips. This way you can rapidly access their pages anytime and quickly apply for a position through their LinkedIn page.
  2. You are building a database of potential clients to contact. LinkedIn is a great networking and lead generation tool for this purpose, and you want all the LinkedIn URLs in a list that your marketing or sales team can go through.
  3. You want to stay up to date on what your competitors are doing and monitor their recruiting strategies. A list of all their URLs will make your market research much easier.

📊 Results

Once the scraper's status switches to Succeeded, you can see your results in the Dataset tab. You can preview them or download them in HTML, JSON, CSV, Excel, XML or RSS formats.

It will look like that if you search the linkedin of tesla


🔍 What does LinkedIn Company URL Finder do?

Personally handing in your resume to a company's HR office is a thing of the past. Job applications take place online now, and LinkedIn is the most widespread platform for professional networking. Businesses can contact other businesses or potential hires, job seekers can apply for positions, colleagues can interact and recommend each other's skills.

LinkedIn Company URL Finder generates a list of LinkedIn company page URLs. It's a simple but very useful automation if you are looking to expand a database of potential clients or competitors for market research purposes. All you need to do is feed it a list of companies you are interested in.

👨🏻‍🎓 How do I use LinkedIn Company URL Finder?

Need a tutorial? Check out this step-by-step guide on how to scrape LinkedIn company pages.

🥢 Which LinkedIn Actor should I use ?

There are a couple of LinkedIn Actors on Apify. Make sure you only use guillim's actors for better safety and quality results. Also, you may be wondering which Actors you need, so read below :

Scraping small amount

When you need to gather data of less than 50 records per day, you can rely on Actors who require your LinkedIn cookies. These actors will "act as you", so you be careful. You will need the following actors :

  • You have a few LinkedIn people url, now looking for their information like job, description, skills... : LinkedIn x GPT
  • You have a few LinkedIn people url, that you want to filter out using a ChatGPT prompt: LinkedIn x GPT

Scraping big amount

When you need to gather data, like more 50 records per day, it's recommended to avoid using your Linkedin cookies. You will need the following actors :

🫰🏻 How much will it cost me to use LinkedIn Company URL Finder?

Apify provides you with $5 free usage credits to use every month on the Apify Free plan and you can get up to 20,000 LinkedIn results for those credits. So 20,000 results will be completely free!

But if you need to get more data or to get your data regularly you should grab an Apify subscription. We recommend our $49/month Personal plan - you can get up to 200,000 LinkedIn results every month with the $49 monthly plan! Or 2 million with $499 Team plan, wow!

Note that personal data is protected by GDPR in the European Union and by other regulations around the world. You should not scrape personal data unless you have a legitimate reason to do so. If you're unsure whether your reason is legitimate, consult your lawyers. We also recommend that you read our blog post: is web scraping legal?

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 149 monthly users
  • 15 stars
  • 99.2% runs succeeded
  • Created in Feb 2022
  • Modified 6 months ago