Advanced Glassdoor Scraper
This Actor is unavailable because the developer has decided to deprecate it. Would you like to try a similar Actor instead?
See alternative ActorsAdvanced Glassdoor Scraper
The most advanced Glassdoor Scraper that you would ever need. Extract millions of companies, salaries, interviews, jobs, and reviews from Glassdoor. You can specify search terms, filters, list pages, and more! Extremely fast, with no limits. Super easy to use!
the crawler doesn't appear to scale horizontally to match the number of urls and there are many related warnings.
4 minutes into the run i've had to stop it.
Hey again,
Passed this information to the Engineering Team and get back to you soon.
Hey there,
Thank you very much for the wait time. Unfortunately, our actor became extremely unstable after the latest changes that Glassdoor introduced. The actor cannot be used at the current moment. Therefore, as epctex, we decided to depreciate the actor simply because it is precarious, cannot provide proper output, and reduces the overall quality of our outputs.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Best