Forever21 Scraper avatar

Forever21 Scraper

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Forever21 Scraper

Forever21 Scraper

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3 days trial then $15.00/month - No credit card required now

Extract any product data from Forever21 easily! Images, sizes, SKUs, quantities, colors, and many more values are ready for you. Search for any keyword, filter by your needs, or get category pages! Export your data by XML, JSON, CSV, Excel or HTML.

Actor - Forever21 Scraper

Forever21 scraper

Since Forever21 doesn't provide an API, this actor should help you to retrieve data from it.

The Forever21 data scraper supports the following features:

  • Scrape product details - Get the images, price, colors, sizes, quantity, and many more fields of any product!

  • Scrape any categories - Pick your category, select any filters as you like, and scrape all the products that are showing up.

  • Scrape and search by keyword - Built-in keyword search in Forever21. You can search any keyword and retrieve all the results. Change the page, filter, or keyword as you like.

Bugs, fixes, updates, and changelog

This scraper is under active development. If you have any feature requests you can create an issue from here.

Input Parameters

The input of this scraper should be JSON containing the list of pages on Forever21 that should be visited. Possible fields are:

  • search: (Optional) (String) Keyword that you want to search on Forever21.

  • startUrls: (Optional) (Array) List of Forever21 URLs. You should only provide product detail, search, or category URLs.

  • endPage: (Optional) (Number) Final number of page that you want to scrape. The default is Infinite. This applies to all search requests and startUrls individually.

  • maxItems: (Optional) (Number) You can limit scraped items. This should be useful when you search through the big lists or search results.

  • proxy: (Required) (Proxy Object) Proxy configuration.

  • extendOutputFunction: (Optional) (String) Function that takes a JQuery handle ($) as an argument and returns an object with data.

  • customMapFunction: (Optional) (String) Function that takes each object's handle as an argument and returns the object with executing the function.

This solution requires the use of Proxy servers, either your own proxy servers or you can use Apify Proxy.


When you want to have a scrape over a specific item URL, just copy and paste the link as one of the startUrl.

If you would like to scrape only the first page of a list then put the link for the page and have the endPage as 1.

With the last approach that is explained above you can also fetch any interval of pages. If you provide the 5th page of a list and define the endPage parameter as 6 then you'll have the 5th and 6th pages only.

Compute Unit Consumption

The actor is optimized to run blazing fast and scrape many items as possible. Therefore, it forefronts all item detail requests. If the actor doesn't block very often it'll scrape 100 items in 1 minute with ~0.04-0.08 compute units.

Forever21 Scraper Input example

2  "startUrls":[
3    "",
4    "",
5    ""
6  ],
7  "search":"black",
8  "endPage": 1,
9  "maxItems": 20,
10  "proxyConfiguration": {
11    "useApifyProxy": true
12  }

During the Run

During the run, the actor will output messages letting you know what is going on. Each message always contains a short label specifying which page from the provided list is currently specified. When items are loaded from the page, you should see a message about this event with a loaded item count and total item count for each page.

If you provide incorrect input to the actor, it will immediately stop with a failure state and output an explanation of what is wrong.

Forever21 Export

During the run, the actor stores results into a dataset. Each item is a separate item in the dataset.

You can manage the results in any language (Python, PHP, Node JS/NPM). See the FAQ or our API reference to learn more about getting results from this Forever21 actor.

Scraped Forever21 Products

The structure of each item in Forever21 products looks like this:

2	"uuid": "a92add8639b5aa0709cef79859",
3	"id": "2000473183",
4	"productName": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
5	"productType": "master",
6	"brand": "F21",
7	"price": {
8		"sales": {
9			"value": 39.99,
10			"currency": "USD",
11			"formatted": "$39.99",
12			"decimalPrice": "39.99"
13		},
14		"list": null,
15		"discount": null,
16		"html": "\n\n\n\n    \n        <div class=\"price flex--inline flex-flow-wrap\" data-product-component=\"price\" itemscope itemprop=\"offers\" itemtype=\"\">\n            \n            \n\n<span class=\"price__sales sales flex flex-flow-wrap\">\n    \n\n    \n    <meta itemprop=\"priceCurrency\" content=\"USD\" />\n\n    \n    \n    \n        <span class=\"value price__default  font-weight--bold \" itemprop=\"price\" content=\"39.99\">\n    \n        $39.99\n\n\n    </span>\n\t\n    \n\n</span>\n        </div>\n    \n\n\n"
17	},
18	"images": {
19		"large": [
20			{
21				"alt": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
22				"url": "",
23				"index": "0",
24				"title": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
25				"absURL": "",
26				"hasImage": true
27			},
28			{
29				"alt": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
30				"url": "",
31				"index": "1",
32				"title": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
33				"absURL": "",
34				"hasImage": true
35			},
36			{
37				"alt": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
38				"url": "",
39				"index": "2",
40				"title": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
41				"absURL": "",
42				"hasImage": true
43			},
44			{
45				"alt": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
46				"url": "",
47				"index": "3",
48				"title": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
49				"absURL": "",
50				"hasImage": true
51			}
52		],
53		"small": [
54			{
55				"alt": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
56				"url": "",
57				"index": "0",
58				"title": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
59				"absURL": "",
60				"hasImage": true
61			},
62			{
63				"alt": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
64				"url": "",
65				"index": "1",
66				"title": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
67				"absURL": "",
68				"hasImage": true
69			},
70			{
71				"alt": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
72				"url": "",
73				"index": "2",
74				"title": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
75				"absURL": "",
76				"hasImage": true
77			},
78			{
79				"alt": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
80				"url": "",
81				"index": "3",
82				"title": "Faux Leather Pearl Stiletto Heels",
83				"absURL": "",
84				"hasImage": true
85			}
86		]
87	},
88	"selectedQuantity": 1,
89	"minOrderQuantity": 1,
90	"maxOrderQuantity": 10,
91	"variationAttributes": [
92		{
93			"attributeId": "color",
94			"displayName": "Color",
95			"id": "color",
96			"swatchable": true,
97			"values": [
98				{
99					"id": "03",
100					"description": null,
101					"displayValue": "WHITE",
102					"value": "03",
103					"selected": true,
104					"selectable": true,
105					"labelDefault": "Color: WHITE",
106					"labelSelected": "Color: WHITE, selected",
107					"labelUnselectable": "Color: WHITE, unselectable",
108					"url": "",
109					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
110					"images": {
111						"swatch": [
112							{
113								"alt": "WHITE",
114								"url": "",
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119							},
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127							},
128							{
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130								"url": "",
131								"index": "2",
132								"title": "WHITE",
133								"absURL": "",
134								"hasImage": true
135							},
136							{
137								"alt": "WHITE",
138								"url": "",
139								"index": "3",
140								"title": "WHITE",
141								"absURL": "",
142								"hasImage": true
143							}
144						]
145					}
146				}
147			],
148			"selectedValue": "WHITE"
149		},
150		{
151			"attributeId": "size",
152			"displayName": "Size",
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155			"values": [
156				{
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158					"description": null,
159					"displayValue": "5.5",
160					"value": "1",
161					"selected": false,
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163					"labelDefault": "Size: 5.5",
164					"labelSelected": "Size: 5.5, selected",
165					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 5.5, unselectable",
166					"url": "",
167					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=03&dwvar_2000473183_size=1&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
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177							},
178							{
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180								"url": "",
181								"index": "1",
182								"title": "5.5",
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184								"hasImage": true
185							},
186							{
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188								"url": "",
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190								"title": "5.5",
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192								"hasImage": true
193							},
194							{
195								"alt": "5.5",
196								"url": "",
197								"index": "3",
198								"title": "5.5",
199								"absURL": "",
200								"hasImage": true
201							}
202						]
203					}
204				},
205				{
206					"id": "2",
207					"description": null,
208					"displayValue": "6",
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210					"selected": false,
211					"selectable": true,
212					"labelDefault": "Size: 6",
213					"labelSelected": "Size: 6, selected",
214					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 6, unselectable",
215					"url": "",
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226							},
227							{
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233								"hasImage": true
234							},
235							{
236								"alt": "6",
237								"url": "",
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243							{
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250							}
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254				{
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256					"description": null,
257					"displayValue": "6.5",
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260					"selectable": true,
261					"labelDefault": "Size: 6.5",
262					"labelSelected": "Size: 6.5, selected",
263					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 6.5, unselectable",
264					"url": "",
265					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=03&dwvar_2000473183_size=3&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
266					"images": {
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268							{
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270								"url": "",
271								"index": "0",
272								"title": "6.5",
273								"absURL": "",
274								"hasImage": true
275							},
276							{
277								"alt": "6.5",
278								"url": "",
279								"index": "1",
280								"title": "6.5",
281								"absURL": "",
282								"hasImage": true
283							},
284							{
285								"alt": "6.5",
286								"url": "",
287								"index": "2",
288								"title": "6.5",
289								"absURL": "",
290								"hasImage": true
291							},
292							{
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294								"url": "",
295								"index": "3",
296								"title": "6.5",
297								"absURL": "",
298								"hasImage": true
299							}
300						]
301					}
302				},
303				{
304					"id": "4",
305					"description": null,
306					"displayValue": "7",
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308					"selected": false,
309					"selectable": true,
310					"labelDefault": "Size: 7",
311					"labelSelected": "Size: 7, selected",
312					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 7, unselectable",
313					"url": "",
314					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=03&dwvar_2000473183_size=4&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
315					"images": {
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317							{
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319								"url": "",
320								"index": "0",
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324							},
325							{
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327								"url": "",
328								"index": "1",
329								"title": "7",
330								"absURL": "",
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332							},
333							{
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335								"url": "",
336								"index": "2",
337								"title": "7",
338								"absURL": "",
339								"hasImage": true
340							},
341							{
342								"alt": "7",
343								"url": "",
344								"index": "3",
345								"title": "7",
346								"absURL": "",
347								"hasImage": true
348							}
349						]
350					}
351				},
352				{
353					"id": "5",
354					"description": null,
355					"displayValue": "7.5",
356					"value": "5",
357					"selected": false,
358					"selectable": true,
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360					"labelSelected": "Size: 7.5, selected",
361					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 7.5, unselectable",
362					"url": "",
363					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=03&dwvar_2000473183_size=5&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
364					"images": {
365						"swatch": [
366							{
367								"alt": "7.5",
368								"url": "",
369								"index": "0",
370								"title": "7.5",
371								"absURL": "",
372								"hasImage": true
373							},
374							{
375								"alt": "7.5",
376								"url": "",
377								"index": "1",
378								"title": "7.5",
379								"absURL": "",
380								"hasImage": true
381							},
382							{
383								"alt": "7.5",
384								"url": "",
385								"index": "2",
386								"title": "7.5",
387								"absURL": "",
388								"hasImage": true
389							},
390							{
391								"alt": "7.5",
392								"url": "",
393								"index": "3",
394								"title": "7.5",
395								"absURL": "",
396								"hasImage": true
397							}
398						]
399					}
400				},
401				{
402					"id": "6",
403					"description": null,
404					"displayValue": "8",
405					"value": "6",
406					"selected": false,
407					"selectable": true,
408					"labelDefault": "Size: 8",
409					"labelSelected": "Size: 8, selected",
410					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 8, unselectable",
411					"url": "",
412					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=03&dwvar_2000473183_size=6&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
413					"images": {
414						"swatch": [
415							{
416								"alt": "8",
417								"url": "",
418								"index": "0",
419								"title": "8",
420								"absURL": "",
421								"hasImage": true
422							},
423							{
424								"alt": "8",
425								"url": "",
426								"index": "1",
427								"title": "8",
428								"absURL": "",
429								"hasImage": true
430							},
431							{
432								"alt": "8",
433								"url": "",
434								"index": "2",
435								"title": "8",
436								"absURL": "",
437								"hasImage": true
438							},
439							{
440								"alt": "8",
441								"url": "",
442								"index": "3",
443								"title": "8",
444								"absURL": "",
445								"hasImage": true
446							}
447						]
448					}
449				},
450				{
451					"id": "7",
452					"description": null,
453					"displayValue": "8.5",
454					"value": "7",
455					"selected": false,
456					"selectable": true,
457					"labelDefault": "Size: 8.5",
458					"labelSelected": "Size: 8.5, selected",
459					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 8.5, unselectable",
460					"url": "",
461					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=03&dwvar_2000473183_size=7&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
462					"images": {
463						"swatch": [
464							{
465								"alt": "8.5",
466								"url": "",
467								"index": "0",
468								"title": "8.5",
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470								"hasImage": true
471							},
472							{
473								"alt": "8.5",
474								"url": "",
475								"index": "1",
476								"title": "8.5",
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478								"hasImage": true
479							},
480							{
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482								"url": "",
483								"index": "2",
484								"title": "8.5",
485								"absURL": "",
486								"hasImage": true
487							},
488							{
489								"alt": "8.5",
490								"url": "",
491								"index": "3",
492								"title": "8.5",
493								"absURL": "",
494								"hasImage": true
495							}
496						]
497					}
498				},
499				{
500					"id": "8",
501					"description": null,
502					"displayValue": "9",
503					"value": "8",
504					"selected": false,
505					"selectable": true,
506					"labelDefault": "Size: 9",
507					"labelSelected": "Size: 9, selected",
508					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 9, unselectable",
509					"url": "",
510					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=03&dwvar_2000473183_size=8&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
511					"images": {
512						"swatch": [
513							{
514								"alt": "9",
515								"url": "",
516								"index": "0",
517								"title": "9",
518								"absURL": "",
519								"hasImage": true
520							},
521							{
522								"alt": "9",
523								"url": "",
524								"index": "1",
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528							},
529							{
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531								"url": "",
532								"index": "2",
533								"title": "9",
534								"absURL": "",
535								"hasImage": true
536							},
537							{
538								"alt": "9",
539								"url": "",
540								"index": "3",
541								"title": "9",
542								"absURL": "",
543								"hasImage": true
544							}
545						]
546					}
547				},
548				{
549					"id": "9",
550					"description": null,
551					"displayValue": "10",
552					"value": "9",
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554					"selectable": true,
555					"labelDefault": "Size: 10",
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557					"labelUnselectable": "Size: 10, unselectable",
558					"url": "",
559					"params": "dwvar_2000473183_color=03&dwvar_2000473183_size=9&pid=2000473183&quantity=1",
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561						"swatch": [
562							{
563								"alt": "10",
564								"url": "",
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569							},
570							{
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585							},
586							{
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588								"url": "",
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594						]
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596				},
597				{
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607					"url": "",
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611							{
612								"alt": "11",
613								"url": "",
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618							},
619							{
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621								"url": "",
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  • Created in Dec 2019

  • Modified 9 hours ago
