Apify Store Scraper API avatar

Apify Store Scraper API

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Apify Store Scraper API

Apify Store Scraper API

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Pay $0.50 for 1,000 results

The Apify Store Scraper API allows you to extract detailed information about actors from the Apify Store, including actor details, pricing, metrics, categories, and user information.

What does Apify Store Scraper API do?

Apify Store Scraper API allows you to easily extract data from the Apify Store for public actors.

Apify Store Scraper API can scrape:

  • Actor details (ID, URL, title, description)
  • Pricing information (pricing model)
  • Actor metrics (total stars, user full name, username)
  • Category information (categories, picture URL)
  • User information (user picture URL, user full name)

Why scrape the Apify Store?

The Apify Store is a marketplace for various web scraping and automation tools. By scraping the Apify Store, you can gather detailed information about available actors, their performance, and their pricing models. This can help you make informed decisions about which actors to use for your specific needs or which future projects you can build with the help of these actors.

How to scrape the Apify Store?

It's easy to scrape the Apify Store with Apify Store Scraper API. Just follow these few steps and you'll get your data in a few minutes.

  1. Click on Try for free.
  2. Click on Run.
  3. When Apify Store Scraper API has finished, preview or download your data from the Dataset tab.

You can optionally set the search, sortBy, category, username, and pricingModel parameters to filter and limit your search. If you don't set these parameters, all actors will be scraped. If you don't set any of these parameters, the Actor will scrape all actors, which are 2,331 as of October 2024.


Example result of a scraped actor:

2  "title": "Website Content Crawler",
3  "name": "website-content-crawler",
4  "username": "apify",
5  "stats": {
6    "totalBuilds": 202,
7    "totalRuns": 4894213,
8    "totalUsers": 21786,
9    "totalUsers7Days": 1307,
10    "totalUsers30Days": 3355,
11    "totalUsers90Days": 7260,
12    "lastRunStartedAt": "2024-09-26T14:11:34.916Z",
13    "totalMetamorphs": 469,
14    "publicActorRunStats30Days": {
15      "ABORTED": 3414,
16      "FAILED": 429,
17      "SUCCEEDED": 496871,
18      "TIMED-OUT": 10744,
19      "TOTAL": 511458
20    }
21  },
22  "description": "Crawl websites and extract text content to feed AI models, LLM applications, vector databases, or RAG pipelines. The Actor supports rich formatting using Markdown, cleans the HTML, downloads files, and integrates well with 🦜🔗LangChain, LlamaIndex, and the wider LLM ecosystem.",
23  "categories": [
24    "AI",
26    "BUSINESS"
27  ],
28  "pictureUrl": "https://images.apifyusercontent.com/L4ha9DtGVFLjeFAWBPcr0MSH1c2RbtiWSwlbnOKjLZw/rs:fill:76:76/aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGlmeS1pbWFnZS11cGxvYWRzLXByb2QuczMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9hWUcwbDlzN2RiQjdqM2diUy9QZlRvRU5rSlp4YWh6UER1My1DbGVhblNob3RfMjAyMy0wMy0yOF9hdF8xMC40MC4yMF8yeC5wbmc.webp",
29  "notice": "NONE",
30  "totalStars": 491,
31  "userPictureUrl": "https://images.apifyusercontent.com/FMPBaWpQ77oz0xJB2epDbiEacNO524JpP0IGc63WUdg/rs:fill:32:32/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWFnZXMuYXBpZnl1c2VyY29udGVudC5jb20vUmZ6Z3ZXZW1WSjM3VHU3SnJnQjhBRjhmdk9PUVZNWTIwMVd3NnNoeGcxRS9yczpmaWxsOjMyOjMyL2FIUjBjSE02THk5aGNHbG1lUzFwYldGblpTMTFjR3h2WVdSekxYQnliMlF1Y3pNdVlXMWhlbTl1WVhkekxtTnZiUzlhYzJOTmQwWlNOVWczWlVOMFYzUjVhQzlaY1hSclVXMUZlRnB3YlUxa05tUktVUzFoY0dsbWVWOXplVzFpYjJ4ZmQyaHBkR1ZmWW1jdWNHNW4ucG5n.webp",
32  "userFullName": "Apify",
33  "currentPricingInfo": {
34    "pricingModel": "FREE"
35  },
36  "id": "aYG0l9s7dbB7j3gbS",
37  "url": "https://apify.com/apify/website-content-crawler"
Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 1 monthly user
  • 1 star
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • Created in Sep 2024
  • Modified 21 days ago