Redfin Fast Scraper
7 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now
Redfin Fast Scraper
7 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now
Redfin: Scrape fast, stay light! Skip bloated browser tools. My Redfin scraper extracts property data in a flash, no heavy lifting is needed. Scrape/monitor listings with ease, all without Puppeteer or Playwright. ⚡️
Sample URL with Filters
Enter a URL demonstrating desired filters for locations searches.
Limit search results
Limits the maximum number of results, applies to each search separately.
Default value of this property is 50
Include Only New Properties
Only retrieve data from properties listed since the last run after activation of this flag. The first startup with this flag will perform a full scan.
Default value of this property is false
Actor Metrics
4 monthly users
3 stars
>99% runs succeeded
Created in Feb 2024
Modified 2 months ago