Similarweb Quick Scraper
Pay $10.00 for 1,000 results

Similarweb Quick Scraper
Pay $10.00 for 1,000 results
A quick scraper for Similarweb. Get needed data instantly for domains of your choice. Export accumulated data into formats such as HTML, JSON, or Excel.
2nd attempt timed out
Thank you for adding the proxies. After the second attempt it timed out after a bit more that 1 hour and collected 558 records. Should I resurrect or start from scratch removing the records I have already collected?

I recommend starting from scratch without the records you already collected, I will investigate tomorrow why it timed out. For now, try to run more runs with a smaller amount of domains.
Tried again and I noticed that it times out always after 1 hour. There must be a 1 hour limit somewhere.

Oh, I discovered the reason behind it. You need to increase the limit on the input page, specifically in the options tab. There, you can set a longer timeout or even remove the timeout altogether.