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Zoominfo Companies Search Scraper

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Zoominfo Companies Search Scraper

Zoominfo Companies Search Scraper

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The ZoomInfo Companies Search Scraper Actor is designed to extract detailed information about companies from valid ZoomInfo company search URLs. This tool automates the process of gathering essential company data, making it easier for users to access and analyze business information.

ZoomInfo Companies Search Scraper Actor


The ZoomInfo Companies Search Scraper Actor is designed to extract detailed information about companies from valid ZoomInfo company search URLs. This tool automates the process of gathering essential company data, making it easier for users to access and analyze business information. Interested in using this scraper? Get it here: ZoomInfo Companies Search Scraper.


  • Extracts comprehensive company details from Zoominfo.
  • Supports multiple output fields for detailed analysis.
  • Easy integration with other data processing tools.

Output Fields

Field NameTypeDescription
urlStringThe URL of the company page on Zoominfo.
idStringThe unique identifier for the company.
nameStringThe name of the company.
descriptionStringA brief description of the company and its offerings.
revenueNumberThe annual revenue of the company.
revenue_currencyStringThe currency in which the revenue is reported.
stock_symbolStringThe stock symbol of the company, if applicable.
websiteStringThe official website of the company.
employeesNumberThe number of employees working at the company.
industryArrayThe industries in which the company operates.
headquartersStringThe address of the company's headquarters.
phone_numberStringThe contact phone number for the company.
total_funding_amountNumberThe total amount of funding received by the company.
most_recent_funding_amountNumberThe amount of the most recent funding round.
funding_currencyStringThe currency in which the funding amounts are reported.
funding_roundsNumberThe total number of funding rounds the company has completed.
leadershipArrayA list of key leadership personnel in the company.
popular_searchesArrayCommon search terms associated with the company.
business_classification_codesArrayThe SIC and NAICS codes that classify the business.
total_employeesNumberTotal number of employees across all levels.
c_level_employeesNumberNumber of C-level executives in the company.
vp_level_employeesNumberNumber of Vice Presidents in the company.
director_level_employeesNumberNumber of Directors in the company.
manager_level_employeesNumberNumber of Managers in the company.
non_manager_employeesNumberNumber of non-managerial employees in the company.
top_contactsNumberThe number of top contacts available for the company.
org_chartArrayOrganizational chart detailing key personnel.
social_mediaArrayLinks to the company's social media profiles.
ceo_ratingObjectRatings and feedback about the CEO.
enps scoreObjectEmployee Net Promoter Score details.
similar_companiesArrayList of companies similar to the one being analyzed.
email_formatsArrayCommon email formats used by the company.
products_ownedArrayList of products owned by the company.
tech_stackArrayTechnologies used by the company, including links to relevant tech information.
recent_scoopsArrayRecent news articles or scoops related to the company.
news_and_mediaArrayRecent news and media coverage about the company.

Possible Usage of the Actor

  • Market research and analysis.
  • Competitive analysis for business strategy.
  • Lead generation for sales teams.
  • Data enrichment for CRM systems.

Example Output

2  {
3    "url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/c/immersed-games/358891608",
4    "id": "358891608",
5    "name": "Immersed Games",
6    "description": "About Immersed Games: Immersed Games is harnessing the engaging power of video games to create a next generation STEM learning platform. Their flagship product, Tyto Online, is a video game for middle school students to learn science content and skills. The student experience includes activities like building ecosystems to learn ecology or breeding... ",
7    "revenue": 5000000,
8    "revenue_currency": "USD",
9    "stock_symbol": null,
10    "website": "https://www.immersedgames.com/",
11    "employees": 25,
12    "industry": [
13      "Software General",
14      "Software"
15    ],
16    "headquarters": "640 Ellicott St Ste 108, Buffalo, New York, 142...",
17    "phone_number": "(352) 641-0730",
18    "total_funding_amount": 5000000,
19    "most_recent_funding_amount": 5000000,
20    "funding_currency": "USD",
21    "funding_rounds": 1,
22    "leadership": [
23      {
24        "avatar": "https://www.zoominfo.com/ge-assets/common/placeholders/2023_person_placeholder_52.svg",
25        "name": "Car***ne ***arq***",
26        "title": " Creative Director & Co-Founder ",
27        "url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Caroline-Lamarque/11052673634"
28      },
29      {
30        "avatar": "https://www.zoominfo.com/ge-assets/common/placeholders/2023_person_placeholder_52.svg",
31        "name": "Chr***oph***McC******",
32        "title": " 3D Environment Artist ",
33        "url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Christopher-Mccants/11044147021"
34      },
35      {
36        "avatar": "https://storage.zoominfo.com/2014457181",
37        "name": "Lin***y T***f",
38        "title": " Founder & Chief Executive Officer ",
39        "url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Lindsey-Tropf/2014457181"
40      }
41    ],
42    "popular_searches": [
43      "Immersed Games",
44      "Immersed Games Inc",
45      "ImmersedGames",
46      "Immersed Games - Inc",
47      "Immersed Games LLC"
48    ],
49    "business_classification_codes": [
50      {
51        "code": "50,509",
52        "code_type": "SIC"
53      },
54      {
55        "code": "42,423",
56        "code_type": "NAICS"
57      }
58    ],
59    "ceo": {
60      "name": null,
61      "score": 0,
62      "title": null,
63      "url": null
64    },
65    "total_employees": 25,
66    "c_level_employees": 3,
67    "vp_level_employees": null,
68    "director_level_employees": 1,
69    "manager_level_employees": 1,
70    "non_manager_employees": 7,
71    "top_contacts": 13,
72    "org_chart": [
73      {
74        "avatar": "https://www.zoominfo.com/undefined",
75        "name": "Lindsey Tropf",
76        "title": "Founder & Chief Executive Officer",
77        "url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Lindsey-Tropf/2014457181"
78      },
79      {
80        "avatar": "https://www.zoominfo.com/undefined",
81        "name": "Kyle Trussell",
82        "title": "Technical Director",
83        "url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Kyle-Trussell/7215281997"
84      },
85      {
86        "avatar": "https://www.zoominfo.com/undefined",
87        "name": "Ryan Tropf",
88        "title": "Co-Founder & Director, Human Resources & Oper...",
89        "url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Ryan-Tropf/1999916991"
90      }
91    ],
92    "social_media": [
93      "http://www.linkedin.com/company/immersed-games",
94      "https://www.twitter.com/immersedgames",
95      "https://www.facebook.com/immersedgames"
96    ],
97    "ceo_rating": {
98      "about": null,
99      "business_results_score": {
100        "average": null,
101        "excellent": null,
102        "good": null,
103        "poor": null,
104        "very_bad": null
105      },
106      "management_style_score": {
107        "bad": null,
108        "good": null
109      },
110      "name": null,
111      "title": null
112    },
113    "enps score": {
114      "percentage": {
115        "detractors": null,
116        "passives": null,
117        "promoters": null
118      },
119      "score": 0
120    },
121    "similar_companies": [],
122    "email_formats": [],
123    "products_owned": [],
124    "tech_stack": [
125      {
126        "company_name": "Intuit",
127        "company_url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/c/intuit-inc/20037711",
128        "tech_name": "MailChimp",
129        "tech_url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/tech/159/mailchimp-tech-by-revenue"
130      },
131      {
132        "company_name": "Eploy",
133        "company_url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/c/eploy/367581807",
134        "tech_name": "Eploy",
135        "tech_url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/tech/19904/eploy-tech-by-revenue"
136      },
137      {
138        "company_name": "Engage ATS University",
139        "company_url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/c/engage-ats-university/359755144",
140        "tech_name": "Engage ATS",
141        "tech_url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/tech/23581/engage-ats-tech-by-revenue"
142      },
143      {
144        "company_name": "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The C...",
145        "company_url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/c/isoiec-jtc1sc22wg21---the-c-standards-committee/482853630",
146        "tech_name": "C++",
147        "tech_url": "https://www.zoominfo.com/tech/29120/c-tech-by-revenue"
148      }
149    ],
150    "recent_scoops": [],
151    "news_and_media": [
152      {
153        "date": "2018-08-07T00:00:00.000Z",
154        "news_website": "https://www.businesswire.com/",
155        "summary": null,
156        "title": "NEWARK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--More than $3 million in free classroom supplies and exclusive discounts are being made available to teachers nationwide as part of the national launch of the ClassTag Marketplace, an online exchange where schools can redeem credits earned every time a teacher and parent interact on the ClassTag parent-teacher engagement platform. ClassTag, which will be used in over 20,000 classrooms nationwide this school year, is the free, easy-to-use, collaborative app for pare",
157        "url": "https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180807005526/en/3-Million-Free-Classroom-Supplies-Teachers-ClassTag/"
158      }
159    ]
160  }
Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 10 monthly users

  • 1 bookmark

  • 45% runs succeeded

  • Created in Jan 2025

  • Modified 7 days ago