Similarweb Scraper
Pay $8.00 for 1,000 Results

Similarweb Scraper
Pay $8.00 for 1,000 Results
A simple but powerful scraper for similarweb.com. Retrieve website popularity information and get it in a JSON/XML/CSV/Excel/HTML table format. Get data such as total visits, traffic sources, competitors, top countries, company info, etc..
Crawler is constantly timing out due to "Queue head still returned requests that need to be processed"
We are seeing almost all our actor runs in the last week time out, where the log constantly records "Queue head still returned requests that need to be processed (or that are locked by other clients)" until it reaches our set timeout length.

Hi there, thank you for your message, we are looking into it

Hi again, we just pushed a new version, please test it and let us know how it works for you. Thank you!

I forgot to mention: please use timeout at least 180 seconds in the input

This issue is fixed, please reopen the issue if it happens again