Similarweb Scraper
Pay $8.00 for 1,000 Results

Similarweb Scraper
Pay $8.00 for 1,000 Results
A simple but powerful scraper for similarweb.com. Retrieve website popularity information and get it in a JSON/XML/CSV/Excel/HTML table format. Get data such as total visits, traffic sources, competitors, top countries, company info, etc..
Metric: Unique Visitors
any plans to capture the unique visitors? Why: Personally I believe that metric - in SimilarWeb - is more accurate representation to the actual website visits, while I compare it to Google Search Consol. Thank You

Hi there, thank you for your message, we will check if it can be added

Hi again, we wanted to add it, but we didn't find any websites which would have the uniques visitors number. Is it possible that this number is only shown when you are logged in?