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Contact Details Scraper
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Contact Details Scraper

Contact Details Scraper

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Free email extractor to extract and download emails, phone numbers, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram profiles from any website. Extract contact information at scale from lists of URLs and download the data as Excel, CSV, JSON, HTML, and XML.


Set memory still not working


cleanwork opened this issue
5 months ago

when making an api call setting the memory still isn't working.

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([ 'base_uri' => '', 'headers' => [ // Replace <YOUR_APIFY_API_TOKEN> with your actual token 'Authorization' => 'Bearer

1$promises = [
2            $client->postAsync('acts/vdrmota~contact-info-scraper/run-sync-get-dataset-items?memory=2048', [
4                'json' => [
5                    'startUrls' => [
6                        ['url' => $websites[0]]
7                    ],
8                    'maxDepth' => 1,
9                    "maxRequests" => 4,
10                    "maxRequestsPerStartUrl" => 4,
12                ],
14                'query' => [ 'waitForFinish' => 30 ],
16            ]),

Also how do you stop a fun after a certain amount of time?

lukaskrivka avatar


I'm not a PHP developer so cannot help directly. I think it might be due that you have both ?memory=2048 and 'query' => [ 'waitForFinish' => 30 ], which don't combine. So I would try 'query' => [ 'waitForFinish' => 30, 'memory' => 2048 ],

For stopping run, you can either add another query parameter called timeout (in seconds) or use abort endpoint to stop it when you want to

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 1.3k monthly users
  • 67 stars
  • 98.0% runs succeeded
  • 8.9 days response time
  • Created in May 2019
  • Modified about 1 month ago