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Google Lens

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Google Lens

Google Lens


Google Lens API alternative with no limits. Use this OCR shortcut to recognize text on the image, find alt text, identify language, recognize image type, find similar products and visuals by image URL. Just copy-paste an image URL you need OCR data from.


Does not always extract text

devoted_shrub opened this issue
2 years ago

Hi! Nice scraper! The problem is that I get a 50/50 percentage of wrong responses. for example, I am trying this image:"".

I get no text matched, but in Google OCR the text is found...

Thanks a lot!

alexey avatar

Thanks for feedback! Looks like Google Lens migrating to new format, fixed now, see sample run Please note that when Lens data returned in new format Actor no longer getting any visualMatches URLs. Please confirm if Actor works fine at your side.



2 years ago

Thanks for the prompt reply! Awesome actor, one of the most useful ones in the store!

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