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Apify Store offers 2,000+ ready-made Actors, allowing you to extract structured data from any website or automate web workflows.</p><div><br></div></div></div><div><br></div>", 131 "isCustomer": false, 132 "awardTracks": [ 133 "64f7a793b67ee81a7d3cc9d3", 134 "66b3b3c41ca6388db2ed3b6b" 135 ] 136 }, 137 "primaryCategory": { 138 "_id": "573f6d8f286b1f0c00cf7448", 139 "slug": "web-scraping", 140 "name": "Web Scraping", 141 "suffix": "Software", 142 "description": "", 143 "GTMTags": [], 144 "suppressSEOIndex": false, 145 "ad": { 146 "dismissText": "", 147 "enabled": false, 148 "link": "", 149 "linkText": "", 150 "title": "", 151 "content": "" 152 } 153 }, 154 "homepage": "https://apify.com", 155 "pricingUrl": "https://apify.com/pricing?utm_source=desc&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=TrustRadius", 156 "name": "Apify", 157 "twitterId": "apify", 158 "trialAvailable": false, 159 "freeAvailable": true, 160 "hasMobileApp": false, 161 "hasPremiumConsultationServices": true, 162 "screenshots": [ 163 { 164 "description": "the Apify Store, a growing automation marketplace.", 165 "url": "https://media.trustradius.com/product-screenshots/47/hb/O7DQ21TGHI3I.jpeg", 166 "thumbnailUrl": "https://media.trustradius.com/product-screenshots/mM/xe/O7DQ21TGHI3I-200x200.jpeg" 167 }, 168 ... 169 ], 170 "editionPricing": [ 171 { 172 "name": "Scale Plan", 173 "deploymentTypes": [ 174 "saas" 175 ], 176 "price": "499 USD", 177 "durationTerms": "per month", 178 "otherDurationTerms": "", 179 "unitTerms": null, 180 "otherUnitTerms": "", 181 "otherTerms": "Ideal for small teams working together on web scraping projects.", 182 "_id": "6035cd2503809900203dea8e" 183 }, 184 ... 185 ], 186 "slug": "apify", 187 "html": "<p>Apify is a cloud platform for web scraping, browser automation, and extracting data.</p><p><br></p><p>It is used to build web scrapers, known as Actors, that can automate tasks normally done manually in a web browser. Apify Store offers 2,000+ ready-made Actors that extract structured data from any website, or automate web workflows. Actors are serverless cloud programs that run on the Apify platform or locally and perform computing jobs. They are called Actors because, like human actors, they perform actions based on a script. Apify works with Python and JavaScript, and supports libraries such as Playwright, Puppeteer, Selenium, and Scrapy.</p><p><br></p><div><p>Product description:</p><ul><li>Crawls websites and extracts data for sentiment analysis, market research, competitor tracking, or product development in structured formats such as JSON, XML, CSV, and Excel. -Automate manual workflows and processes on the web, like filling in forms or uploading files. </li><li>Integrations connect Apify to any favorite cloud apps, web services, and APIs. For more complex workflows, add custom computing and data processing steps.</li><li>Apify’s boasts a pool of data centers and residential proxies that never get blocked, with smart IP address rotation with human-like browser fingerprints.</li><li>Store structured data or binary files, and export results in CSV, JSON, Excel, and other dataset formats.</li></ul></div><div><br></div>", 188 "awards": [ 189 { 190 "_id": "63b5a85f5934979d09c3c06b", 191 "awardTrackType": "TechCaresTrack", 192 "award": { 193 "_id": "63b5a85f5934979d09c3c06b", 194 "awardType": "techcares", 195 "awardState": "awarded", 196 "title": "Tech Cares 2023", 197 "description": "Tech Cares Award given out in 2023", 198 "expirationDate": "2024-08-07T00:00:00.000Z", 199 "publishedDate": "2023-08-09T06:00:00.000Z", 200 "createdBy": "622f8c7ff3f6c30039e5ee8b", 201 "awardBadgeFileName": "TechCares-Gradient-2023", 202 "created": "2023-01-04T16:25:03.111Z", 203 "modified": "2023-10-20T21:39:41.738Z", 204 "__v": 6, 205 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Reviewers highlight that Apify excels in extracting data from various sources, including complex websites that are traditionally unfriendly towards web scraping. The flexibility of Apify's platform allows for efficient processing and transformation of data during extraction, enabling users to gather and analyze data with ease. Additionally, the ability to create custom scrapers and leverage pre-built solutions further enhances the data extraction process. Apify's effectiveness in gathering necessary data and providing a user-friendly interface has garnered positive feedback from users across different industries. (Source Reviews: [1](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-09-22-50-08), [2](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02), [3](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-20-08-03-03), [4](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-19-07-40-59), [5](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-06-26-04-59-42), [6](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-03-02-08-32-25), [7](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-04-08-10-28-56), [8](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-26-05-49-37))\", \"Quotes\": [{\"id\": \"quote1\", \"text\": \"We use Apify to extract data from various sources. Unlike other tools, Apify is not limited by a point-and-click interface, so we are able to scrape any website no matter how complex it is. Apify is very flexible, which allows us to process and transform data during an extraction.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02\"}, {\"id\": \"quote2\", \"text\": \"Apify easily handled everything I needed it to handle, and it has opened up more time for me to perform detailed analysis as a researcher. In my own experience (primarily in academia), Apify is very well suited for web scraping projects that require data collection from websites that are designed to prevent most data collection.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-20-08-03-03\"}, {\"id\": \"quote3\", \"text\": \"We are using Apify platform on a daily basis not only across our commercial projects but across investment opportunities and internal projects as well. Some team members even use it for a simplification of their daily tasks. Basically, whenever we need to gather and work further with data, we reach out to Apify.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-03-02-08-32-25\"}], \"Keywords\": \"data extraction, scraping, extraction, websites, gather, web scraping, data collection, collection, gathering data, able collect data, data extraction data\", \"Sentiment\": {\"pos\": 8, \"neg\": 0, \"mix\": 0, \"none\": 0, \"total\": 8}}, {\"Subtopic\": \"Automation and Data Collection\", \"Text\": \"### Automation and Data Collection\\nUsers consistently praise Apify for its robust automation and data collection capabilities. Reviewers highlight the platform's efficiency in automating tasks, extracting data, and processing information. The ease of scheduling tasks over the cloud and the ability to handle data extraction from small to large scales are frequently commended. However, some users express concerns about organizing tasks and actors at a larger scale, suggesting improvements in monitoring systems and dataset APIs for enhanced functionality. Despite these minor drawbacks, the overall sentiment leans towards Apify being a reliable and effective tool for automation and data collection tasks. (Source Reviews: [1](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02), [2](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-09-22-50-08), [3](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-04-08-10-28-56), [4](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-03-02-08-32-25), [5](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-06-26-04-59-42), [6](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-26-05-49-37), [7](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-19-07-40-59))\", \"Quotes\": [{\"id\": \"quote4\", \"text\": \"Really good for scheduling over the cloud and is very easy. It has built-in proxy support.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02\"}, {\"id\": \"quote5\", \"text\": \"Suited for data extraction, data processing, product mapping, RPA, price comparison, web automation, SEO audit.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-03-02-08-32-25\"}, {\"id\": \"quote6\", \"text\": \"Extracting well structured data from web; Exposing data as an API and in multiple formats; Built in proxy support with rotation; Very rich and open source SDK; Whole platform available as an API to be connected with your own software; Handling small scale to very large scale easily and quickly; Scheduling over the cloud is very easy.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-26-05-49-37\"}], \"Keywords\": \"automation, automation data, scheduling, tasks, adding additional\", \"Sentiment\": {\"pos\": 6, \"neg\": 0, \"mix\": 1, \"none\": 0, \"total\": 7}}, {\"Subtopic\": \"Data Cleaning and Transformation\", \"Text\": \"### Data Cleaning and Transformation\\nUsers consistently praise Apify for its robust data cleaning and transformation capabilities. Reviewers highlight that Apify's data cleaning features enable them to efficiently process and transform extracted data, ensuring high-quality and accurate results. The platform's ability to streamline the cleaning process stands out as a valuable asset for users seeking to enhance the quality of their data outputs. Additionally, users appreciate Apify's flexibility in handling complex data structures, making it a reliable choice for data cleaning and transformation tasks across various sources and formats. (Source Reviews: [1](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02), [2](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-09-22-50-08), [3](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-19-07-40-59), [4](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-26-05-49-37))\", \"Quotes\": [{\"id\": \"quote7\", \"text\": \"Apify makes it easy to deliver clean data compared to other available platforms.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-26-05-49-37\"}, {\"id\": \"quote8\", \"text\": \"Unlike other tools, Apify is not limited by a point-and-click interface, so we are able to scrape any website no matter how complex it is. Apify actors are very flexible, which allows us to clean, process, and transform data during an extraction.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-19-07-40-59\"}, {\"id\": \"quote9\", \"text\": \"Apify is very flexible, which allows us to process and transform data during an extraction.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02\"}], \"Keywords\": \"clean data, transform data, clean, transform\", \"Sentiment\": {\"pos\": 4, \"neg\": 0, \"mix\": 0, \"none\": 0, \"total\": 4}}]}, {\"Topic\": \"Technical Infrastructure and Tools\", \"Header\": \"How effective is Apify for web scraping and automation tasks?\", \"Content\": [{\"Subtopic\": \"Proxy Management and Rotation\", \"Text\": \"### Proxy Management and Rotation\\nOpinions on Apify's proxy management and rotation capabilities vary among users. While some reviewers praise the built-in proxy support and rotation feature for facilitating well-structured data extraction and API access, others express mixed feelings about its effectiveness. Some users find the proxy management and rotation functionality to be a strong asset of Apify, enhancing the platform's usability and scalability. However, there are also dissenting voices that suggest room for improvement in the proxy management and rotation aspects of Apify. (Source Reviews: [1](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-09-22-50-08), [2](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02), [3](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-26-05-49-37))\", \"Quotes\": [{\"id\": \"quote10\", \"text\": \"Really good for scheduling over the cloud and is very easy. It has built-in proxy support.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02\"}], \"Keywords\": \"proxy, rotation\", \"Sentiment\": {\"pos\": 3, \"neg\": 0, \"mix\": 0, \"none\": 0, \"total\": 3}}, {\"Subtopic\": \"Web Scraping Tools and Techniques\", \"Text\": \"### Web Scraping Tools and Techniques\\nUsers unanimously praise Apify's web scraping capabilities and its user-friendly interface. They appreciate the flexibility of Apify's tools, which allow them to extract data from even the most complex websites without limitations. The ability to process and transform data during extraction is highlighted as a key advantage by reviewers. Additionally, the built-in proxy support and online code editor are mentioned as valuable features that enhance the overall web scraping experience. The consensus among users is that Apify's web scraping tools and techniques are highly effective and efficient, making it a preferred choice for data extraction tasks. (Source Reviews: [1](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02), [2](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-09-22-50-08), [3](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-20-08-03-03), [4](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-19-07-40-59), [5](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-06-26-04-59-42))\", \"Quotes\": [{\"id\": \"quote11\", \"text\": \"Unlike other tools, Apify is not limited by a point-and-click interface, so we are able to scrape any website no matter how complex it is. Apify is very flexible, which allows us to process and transform data during an extraction.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-07-16-54-02\"}, {\"id\": \"quote12\", \"text\": \"Apify easily handled everything I needed it to handle, and it has opened up more time for me to perform detailed analysis as a researcher.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-20-08-03-03\"}, {\"id\": \"quote13\", \"text\": \"Apify actors are very flexible, which allows us to clean, process, and transform data during an extraction and send it to other tools like Keboola for further processing.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-19-07-40-59\"}], \"Keywords\": \"point click interface, click interface, point click, solutions built, code editor, interface able, user friendly interface, friendly interface, interface\", \"Sentiment\": {\"pos\": 5, \"neg\": 0, \"mix\": 0, \"none\": 0, \"total\": 5}}, {\"Subtopic\": \"Custom Solutions and Infrastructure\", \"Text\": \"### Custom Solutions and Infrastructure\\nUsers consistently praise Apify's custom solutions and efficient infrastructure capabilities. They highlight the ease of setting up infrastructure for DevOps tasks, the time saved in data analysis, and the productivity boost in scraping activities. Some users have expressed a desire for a custom library to handle web socket communications without a browser, indicating a specific need for further customization in this area. Despite this minor drawback, the overall sentiment towards Apify's custom solutions and infrastructure remains positive, with users valuing the flexibility and solid technical support provided by the platform. (Source Reviews: [1](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2022-06-09-22-50-08), [2](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-04-08-10-28-56), [3](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-06-26-04-59-42), [4](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-26-05-49-37), [5](https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-19-07-40-59))\", \"Quotes\": [{\"id\": \"quote14\", \"text\": \"CONS: Would be great to have a custom library for handling web socket communications without a browser.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-06-26-04-59-42\"}, {\"id\": \"quote15\", \"text\": \"I boosted my sales; I created the base infrastructure with the data that they've provided.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-04-08-10-28-56\"}, {\"id\": \"quote16\", \"text\": \"Unlike other tools, Apify is not limited by a point-and-click interface, so we are able to scrape any website no matter how complex it is.\", \"source\": \"https://www.trustradius.com/reviews/apify-2021-07-19-07-40-59\"}], \"Keywords\": \"custom, infrastructure data, infrastructure, infrastructure setup\", \"Sentiment\": {\"pos\": 5, \"neg\": 0, \"mix\": 0, \"none\": 0, \"total\": 5}}]}]", 458 "isPublished": true, 459 "contentTarget": "topical-overview-questions", 460 "product": { 461 "mongoId": "6036336120ef72002a06aafc", 462 "casId": 21907 463 }, 464 "version": 1, 465 "publishedAt": "2024-05-10T00:00:00.000Z", 466 "createdAt": "2024-05-08T00:00:00.000Z" 467 }, 468 ... 469 ], 470 "isVendorClaimed": true 471 } 472]
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