Telegram auto forward avatar

Telegram auto forward

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Telegram auto forward

Telegram auto forward


This actor forwards messages from a Telegram channel / group / user to another Telegram channel.

Telegram message forwarder

This actor forwards messages from a Telegram channel / group / user to another Telegram channel. It can used to collect messages from multiple sources and forward them to a single channel. Please note that some message are configured not allow to forward, such as messages from bots.

Included features

  • Support multiple sources and destinations
  • Allow filter message by type TEXT, PHOTO, VIDEO, FILE
  • Ignore some systems messages
  • Support store the message to the dataset
  • Welcome to suggest

How to use

  1. Create a new actor with this actor template
  2. Setup the watch channel and forward channel in the input page.
  3. For the first time, you need to go to the log console. You will find a QR to login your Telegram account. Then you will see a session string display in the log console. Copy the session string and paste it to the input page.
  4. Run the actor and enjoy it.


  • The target channel must allow your account to send messages
  • Cannot forward the message which is configured not allow to forward. You mush test it in your Telegram app.
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