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Product Hunt Profile Scraper

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Product Hunt Profile Scraper

Product Hunt Profile Scraper


What is Product Hunt Profile Scraper and how does it work?

Product Hunt Profile Scraper is a web scraping tool that comes handy when you need to extract public profile data of Product Hunt users. Provide as many profile URLs as you want and get detailed information for each user including their name, avatar, social media links, Hunted products count or the number of followers. See the output schema with a complete list of extracted fields.

For an input example, check the Input tab. While the scraper is running, you can watch visualized results in the Output tab. Once the extraction has finished, you can download the data from the Storage tab in JSON, CSV or even an HTML table, XML or RSS.

Why focus on Product Hunt profiles?

Scraping Product Hunt profiles data can help you with:

  • User retargeting
  • Messaging on provided social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram...)
  • Discovering potential hires based on their skills and interests
  • Sorting users based on various criteria such as followers count, points, votes or hunted products count
  • Exploring personal websites of Product Hunt users

How much does it cost to scrape Product Hunt Profiles?

Apify provides you with $5 free usage credits to use every month on the Apify Free plan and you can scrape up to 200,000 profiles from Product Hunt for $5. So it will be completely free for 200k results. The costs are calculated from so called compute units (CU). A base price of 1 CU is $0.25 and it covers approximately 10,000 scraped profiles.

If you need to get more data regularly you should grab an Apify subscription. We recommend our $49/month Personal plan which also includes shared datacenter proxies that you can utilize to avoid potential blocking.

What kind of data gets collected?

An example of extracted profile data from one of the most successful hunters - Chris Messina:

2	"id": "18280",
3	"url": "",
4	"name": "Chris Messina",
5	"username": "chrismessina",
6	"twitterUsername": "chrismessina",
7	"headline": "🏆 #1 Hunter!",
8	"about": "I've hunted more product than anyone else! Call it an obsession or call it a side hustle run amok — I love learning from other makers and helping them nail their launches on Product Hunt. \r\n\r\nIf you'd like to work with me, you can book time here:\r\n\r\n",
9	"avatarUrl": "",
10	"bannerUrl": "",
11	"createdAt": "2014-06-11T16:02:24-07:00",
12	"websites": [
13		""
14	],
15	"instagram": "",
16	"linkedin": "",
17	"superpeer": "",
18	"twitter": "",
19	"points": 87713,
20	"visitStreakDuration": 164,
21	"badgesCount": 19,
22	"productsCount": 21,
23	"votesCount": 12897,
24	"submittedPostsCount": 3533,
25	"collectionsCount": 189,
26	"followersCount": 37973,
27	"followingsCount": 4970,
28	"isMaker": true,
29	"isViewer": false,
30	"badges": [
31		{
32			"id": "67",
33			"name": "Beta Tester",
34			"description": "You beta tested the mobile apps and helped us make them incredible!",
35			"imageUrl": ""
36		},
37		{
38			"id": "166",
39			"name": "Comment Award: Pixel perfection 💎 ",
40			"description": "You left great design feedback or suggestions.",
41			"imageUrl": ""
42    }
43	],
44	"interests": [
45		{
46			"id": "8",
47			"url": "",
48			"name": "iOS"
49		},
50		{
51			"id": "16",
52			"url": "",
53			"name": "Browser Extensions"
54		},
55		{
56			"id": "19",
57			"url": "",
58			"name": "Mac"
59		}
60	]

Please, note that the actor extracts all available badges and interests. The example output is just shortened to stay compact.

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