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Merge, Dedup & Transform Datasets

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Merge, Dedup & Transform Datasets

Merge, Dedup & Transform Datasets

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The ultimate dataset processor. Extremely fast merging, deduplications & transformations all in a single run.

Dataset IDs


Datasets that should be deduplicated and merged

Fields for deduplication


Fields whose combination should be unique for the item to be considered unique. If none are provided, the actor does not perform deduplication.

What to output


What will be pushed to the dataset from this actor

Value options:

"unique-items": string"duplicate-items": string"nothing": string

Default value of this property is "unique-items"



How the loading and deduplication process will work.

Value options:

"dedup-after-load": string"dedup-as-loading": string

Default value of this property is "dedup-after-load"

Output dataset ID or name (optional)


Optionally can push into dataset of your choice. If you provide a dataset name that doesn't exist, a new named dataset will be created.

Limit fields to load


You can choose which fields to load only. Useful to speed up the loading and reduce memory needs.

Pre dedup transform function


Function to transform items before deduplication is applied. For 'dedup-after-load' mode this is done for all items at once. For 'dedup-as-loading' this is applied to each batch separately.

Post dedup transform function


Function to transform items after deduplication is applied. For 'dedup-after-load' mode this is done for all items at once. For 'dedup-as-loading' this is applied to each batch separately.

Actor or Task ID (or name)


Use Actor or Task ID (e.g. nwua9Gu5YrADL7ZDj) or full name (e.g. apify/instagram-scraper).

Only runs newer than


Use a date format of either YYYY-MM-DD or with time YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.

Only runs older than


Use a date format of either YYYY-MM-DD or with time YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.

Where to output


Either can output to a single dataset or to split data into KV records depending on upload batch size. KV is upload is much faster but data end up in many files.

Value options:

"dataset": string"key-value-store": string

Default value of this property is "dataset"

Parallel loads


Datasets can be loaded in parallel batches to speed things up if needed.

Default value of this property is 10

Parallel pushes


Deduped data can be pushed in parallel batches to speed things up if needed. If you want the data to be in the exact same order, you need to set this to 1.

Default value of this property is 5

Upload batch size


How many items it should upload in one pushData call. Useful to not overload Apify API. Only important for dataset upload.

Default value of this property is 500

Download batch size


How many items it will load in a single batch.

Default value of this property is 50000

Offset (how many items to skip from start)


By default we don't skip any items which is the same as setting offset to 0. For multiple datasets, it takes offset into the sum of their item counts but that is not very useful.

Limit (how many items to load)


By default we don't limit the number loaded items

verbose log


Good for smaller runs. Large runs might run out of log space.

Default value of this property is false

Null fields are unique


If you want to treat null (or missing) fields as always unique items.

Default value of this property is false

Dataset IDs for just deduping


The items from these datasets will be just used as a dedup filter for the main datasets. These items are loaded first and then the main datasets are compared for uniqueness and pushed.

Custom input data


You can pass custom data as a JSON object to be accessible in the transform functions as part of the 2nd parameter object.

Append dataset IDs to items


Useful for transform functions. Each item will get a field __datasetId__ with the dataset ID it came from.

Default value of this property is false

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 169 monthly users

  • 64 stars

  • 97% runs succeeded

  • 0.57 hours response time

  • Created in Apr 2020

  • Modified 7 days ago