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Kompas.id Scrapper

Kompas.id Scrapper

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Extract data from the Kompas.id news website. This scraper allows users to retrieve various types of articles, including articles by category, hashtag, popularity, promotions, and specific article details. Additionally, it can access trending topics, free books, and ePapers from Kompas.id.

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  • Created in Mar 2025

  • Modified 16 hours ago

Kompas.id Scraper

Kompas.id Scraper is a tool designed to automatically extract data from the Kompas.id news website. This scraper allows users to retrieve various types of articles, including articles by category, hashtag, popularity, promotions, and specific article details. Additionally, it can access trending topics, free books, and ePapers from Kompas.id.

With high flexibility, users can customize their searches using parameters such as category, date range, or specific article slugs. This scraper is ideal for researchers, journalists, or anyone looking to efficiently access information from Kompas.id. 🚀

🎯 Features

  • ListArticle: Fetches the latest articles.
  • ListArticleByHastag: Retrieves articles based on specific hashtags.
  • ListArticleByCategory: Fetches articles by category.
  • ListArticlePopular: Retrieves trending articles.
  • ListArticlePromo: Fetches promotional articles.
  • DetailArticle: Fetches detailed article information using a slug.
  • HotTopic: Retrieves a list of trending topics.
  • FreeBook: Fetches a list of free books.
  • EPaper: Retrieves available ePapers within a given date range.

🚀 How to Use

  1. Run the Scraper: Use the Apify Console or API to run the scraper.
  2. Get Results: Once scraping is complete, the data will be available in JSON format.

Example Inputs

  • ListArticle:

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  • FreeBook:

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  • EPaper:

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Example Outputs

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