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Website Screenshot Generator

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Website Screenshot Generator

Website Screenshot Generator

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Create a screenshot of a website based on a specified URL. The screenshot is stored as the output in a key-value store. It can be used to monitor web changes regularly after setting up the scheduler.

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List of URLs


List of URLs you want to take screenshots of.



Screenshot file format.

Value options:

"png": string"pdf": string

Default value of this property is "png"

Wait until


Control's when will the browser take a screenshot

Value options:

"load": string"domcontentloaded": string"networkidle2": string"networkidle0": string

Delay before screenshot


Add's delay before a screenshot is taken. Minimum is 0, maximum is 5 minutes (3600000ms)

Default value of this property is 0



How wide should the website's viewport be

Default value of this property is 1280

Scroll to bottom


Should the browser scroll to the bottom of the page before taking a screenshot

Default value of this property is false

Delay After Scrolling


Specify the delay (in milliseconds) after scrolling to the bottom of the page before taking the screenshot. This option is only used if 'Wait for Network Idle After Scrolling' is not enabled.

Default value of this property is 2500

Wait for Network Idle After Scrolling (Overrides "Delay After Scrolling" option)


Choose whether to wait for the network to become idle after scrolling to the bottom of the page before taking a screenshot. If enabled, this option overrides the 'Delay After Scrolling' option.

Default value of this property is false

Network Idle Timeout


Specify the maximum wait time (in milliseconds) for the network to become idle after scrolling to the bottom of the page before taking the screenshot, this option is used to make sure handler doesn't get stuck for some pages. This option is only used if 'Wait for Network Idle After Scrolling' is enabled.

Default value of this property is 30000

Proxy configuration


Set the proxy configuration of the scraper

Default value of this property is {"useApifyProxy":true}

Selectors to hide


List of selectors to hide before taking a screenshot

Default value of this property is ""

Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 126 monthly users

  • 51 stars

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 41 days response time

  • Created in Nov 2018

  • Modified a month ago