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Website Screenshot Generator

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Website Screenshot Generator

Website Screenshot Generator

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Create a screenshot of a website based on a specified URL. The screenshot is stored as the output in a key-value store. It can be used to monitor web changes regularly after setting up the scheduler.


Cookie popup banner cover website content of screenshots

KilianSorg opened this issue
9 months ago

Dear Apify Team, For some of the websites I encounter the issue that a popup banner covers parts of the website content in the header section. Is there a way to fix this? Thank in advance! Here is an example:

lukaskrivka avatar


Sorry for the late reply. This Actor is not built for complex cases, if there is more demand we can add a selector click or common cookie closing. I would recommend trying

Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 157 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 39 days response time

  • Created in Nov 2018

  • Modified 2 months ago